
One Life, One Plan

I am born of my mother and father. My survival on this planet is my responsibility. I could die at any moment.

My routine

  1. Live in solitude.
  2. Sleep well.
  3. Maintain body hygiene.
  4. Dress well. Be simple.
  5. Walk everyday.
  6. Do the work you love.
  7. Eat one meal a day.

Avoid debt, jail, addiction, disgrace, shortcuts, and media.

My backpack

  1. 4 sets of clothes
  2. 1 towel
  3. 1 blanket
  4. toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, body soap, shampoo, detergent soap, razor, and nail cutter)
  5. wallet
  6. watch
  7. laptop with charger

My needs

What do you want on your name that belongs to you on this planet?

  1. A piece of land with shelter in nature.
  2. A vehicle to travel around.
  3. A good amount of wealth to be happy.